Greco Roman Construction and Design

How Much Will New Windows Save On My Energy Bills?

Old windows can have a significant impact on your home’s efficiency, increasing your energy bills each month and causing additional wear and tear on your HVAC system. Single-pane windows, in particular, are not very efficient at keeping out noise or seasonal temperatures because they only have one layer of glass as opposed to several.

Furthermore, old windows tend to have weak frames that may sag or create gaps that lead to drafts. Replacing these windows with new double-pane or triple-pane windows can improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. The amount of money you save depends on many factors, including where you live and the replacement windows you choose.

Below we break down the different factors that will impact your energy bills and the savings you can expect to see.

Window Material

The material of your replacement windows will make all the difference in efficiency. The two most popular materials for Arizona windows are vinyl and fiberglass. Both can withstand extreme temperatures and are easy to maintain. Fiberglass has the edge in terms of strength, but vinyl is cheaper.

Less popular options to consider are wood and aluminum, but you’ll have to be cautious about the quality of the materials. We only recommend wood windows that are designed specifically for the harsh desert climate. Aluminum does fine in our region, but it does conduct heat more easily than vinyl, making it less efficient.

Window Features

When upgrading your windows, there are features you can add to make your home more efficient. These include:

  • Low-E coatings. These microscopic coatings are applied to the surface of the glass during the manufacturing process. Their purpose is to reflect UV rays and sunlight to lessen heat transfer.
  • Argon gas. Many window types give you the option to fill gaps with argon gas. This gas moves slower than air, reducing heat transfer and keeping your indoor temperature consistent.
  • Additional window panes. No longer are you left with just single-pane windows to choose from. You now have the option for dual and triple panes for greater efficiency and noise reduction.
  • Extra insulation. There’s even the possibility to add extra insulation to your window frames to increase their performance.

Window Direction

You don’t have control over which direction your windows face, but this will make a difference on your overall energy savings. South-facing windows, for instance, receive the most light and are hottest. North-facing windows are the coolest because they receive the least light.

East-facing windows receive the most light in the morning and tend to be cooler. West-facing windows receive the majority of their light in the afternoon and are mostly hot. Based on this information, you can see how some windows will save you money, while others will cost you money.

How Much Money Will You Save Off New Windows in Arizona?

As you can see, there is no simple number that we can guarantee you will end up saving. How much you save depends on the factors above. The Environmental Protection Agency has some benchmark numbers, though. They estimate that the average U.S. home can save between $100 and $600 a year when replacing their windows. Over the length of a mortgage (30 years), that means you can save over $17,000!

Keep in mind that windows pay for themselves in other ways. They provide you with better comfort, better noise reduction and a higher resale value for your home. They also look nice and are easier to clean and operate. And eventually, you’ll need them anyway, otherwise your home will be prone to leaks and drafts. For a free estimate on new windows for your AZ home, contact Greco Roman and Construction today.