Once you pick out your windows and sign the contract, you’ll get a call confirming the day and time of your installation. It won’t be long before your new windows are in and ready to be enjoyed! But did you know that there are some things you can do to prepare for the installation and help things move along smoother?
As a premier window replacement company in Arizona, Greco Roman Windows and Doors has a few tips that will help you prepare for this big day.
Clear the Area Around the Windows
Anything that is immediately outside of the window should be removed, such as planters, pots and lawn furniture. Trim back trees and shrubs that may also be in the way.
For the inside, remove furniture and items that are near the window so that there’s a clear path for the installers. Keeping the areas around the windows clean not only makes their job easier, but also prevents unnecessary accidents.
Remove Window Coverings
Take down any window coverings such as blinds, drapes and curtains. Many of our customers use this time to clean their window treatments. After all, you don’t want dirty curtains or blinds going up over your new windows!
We also suggest removing any nearby wall decor like pictures, paintings and wreaths. These can slip and fall while the installers are working, potentially causing damage or injuries.
Protect Your Floor and Belongings
A tarp or plastic sheet can be used to protect your floors from damage. Even though carpet won’t get scratched or dented, you’ll still want to put something down to keep dust out of the way.
Some people also choose to cover their furniture with blankets or sheets to protect it from dust. Moving furniture about six feet away from the work site will also be helpful in avoiding dust.
Please note that the Greco Roman Windows and Door installation team will set down cloths, tarps or other protection where they’ll be working.
Make Your Home Accessible
To make things easier on the installation crew, create an accessible space that’s easy to work in. Deactivate alarms on your windows, choose a spot where the workers can set up their equipment and maintain a clean work area. Also be sure to keep kids and pets away from the work area to ensure their safety.
Be Prepared for Noise and Dust
Replacing windows in an Arizona home is a big project that can take a day or two. It’s important to have realistic expectations so that you don’t get frustrated.
You certainly don’t have to stay during the window installation, but some people aren’t comfortable leaving, which we understand. If you do decide to stay, be prepared for noise and dust.
When the project is complete, the installation crew will clean up everything and haul away any leftover materials. However, because dust settles, there will be some dust collection in your home. A crew member will also show you how to operate and clean your new windows.
While these steps are not mandatory, they will help the installation go more smoothly. Once the process is complete, you can enjoy a more beautiful, comfortable home. For a free estimate on replacement windows in Phoenix, contact Greco Roman Windows and Doors today.