Greco Roman Construction and Design

What Happens if I Don’t Replace My Windows in Phoenix?

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Replacing windows in your Phoenix home is a big and expensive project, so you can understand homeowners who try to put this off. It often starts with a few months, then moves into a couple of years. But in this time, a lot can happen. Moisture can sneak through the broken seals, leading to rot and mold growth. Not to mention, old windows are less comfortable and efficient, and they make your home vulnerable to security risks.

Replacing your windows in a timely manner is important! Let’s explore some of the consequences that can happen if you don’t replace your windows.

Damage to Your Home

If your home has a chipped or broken window, you’re opening your home up to other damage. Moisture can come through a tiny chip or broken seal, rotting the window, staining your walls and eventually turning into mold.

If the issue is not taken care of in a timely manner, the mold can spread and you’ll need to hire a mold remediation service. And that’s on top of having to buy new windows! Even though it doesn’t rain much in Phoenix, there’s still a lot of humidity and moisture.

Vulnerable to Security Risks

Another consequence of having old windows is that your home won’t be as secure. According to ADT, 23 percent of burglars use a first-floor open window to break into a home. It’s the second most common way to enter a home, after the front door.

There are several reasons why old windows are more vulnerable than newer ones. First, old windows often have flimsy locks compared to new windows, making them easier to open. Second, when the seals break, the windows become more difficult to lock. Lastly, older windows don’t fit into their frames as well, making them less secure.

Lower Property Value

When you sell your home, an inspection will be done. If the windows are in poor condition, the buyers will find out and may negotiate a lower price. If you’re operating in a buyer’s market, you may have no choice but to honor this request.

However, by replacing your windows, you won’t run into this problem. New windows offer one of the highest ROI percentages among home renovation projects – an estimated 85 percent! And you can sell your home faster and for more money, as buyers don’t have to worry about paying for this project themselves.

Wasted Money on Utilities

Old windows aren’t nearly as efficient as new windows because they often have broken seals and trouble fitting into their frames. With these gaps, air continues to leave your home, making it less comfortable through the seasons. In fact, you can lose as much as 30 percent of your air conditioned air – something you don’t want in the AZ heat!

There are ways to save money on replacement windows – the solution is not to delay this project! To get a free estimate on new windows for your home, contact Greco Roman Construction and Design. We’ll measure everything and provide you with a thorough estimate.